Wednesday 30 March 2011

Vanilla Decor and Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla pods are expensive so it is a good idea to make the most of them.

Vanilla Decor
Used vanilla pods should be washed and then, if using for decor, cut the pod into strips length-ways, place strips on a greaseproof lined tray and sprinkle lightly with caster sugar, leave to dry out or place in an oven at low heat at between 90-120Cfor 20minutes or so .  The dried strips can be used to decorate cakes, desserts and ice creams.

Vanilla Sugar
For vanilla sugar, wash used pods and dry totally. Mix with icing sugar and put in a blender or grinder.
Store the sugar in a jar or container with a tight lid, keep the lid tight and the flavour will increase in time. 

One used pod is about enough to give a good flavour to 20g or so of icing sugar, so continue to add vanilla and icing over time to the jar for a good supply.

Add vanilla sugar to caster sugar in recipes such as apple tarts and custards.

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