Friday, 22 April 2011

Kitchen Nostalgia

Its been over a year now since I said goodbye to my bakery and although I don't miss the long hours (17hours on average a day, 20 during the Summer-including administration - this is no exaggeration) I do miss the space and creativity a professional kitchen allows. 

I recently found a CD of pictures from my bakery (I'm still on the hunt for the rest of the pictures-they were misplaced  in the move).  Below are some of the individual pastries, I'll post some viennoiserie, tarts, large cakes, chocolate and bread pictures later if I can find them.

Some people from the East and South East may recognise the bakery from the pictures. I'd like to thank our customers for their support during our years in business.

the counter

l-r: matcha tea opera, creme brulee, eclairs, chocolate mousse, lemon tart, mille feuille

l-r eclairs, creme brulee, mocha cake, blackberry crumble

Caramel Orange Cheesecake

l-r eclairs, rhubarb crumble, blueberry tart, mousse, pear and almond tart, hazelnut brownies


  1. These images looks great! I like how this was arranged..EVERYTHING looks delicious!...Daniel

  2. Thanks Daniel, these pictures show only a small selection of what we used to make, hopefully I'll find the other pictures, although photography is not my strong point! Your paintings are amazing by the way!
